Why You Need to Improve Your Cash-Flow, Today!
In this episode of the Financial Griot Podcast, Lovely and Lawrence talk about cash flow positivity during a time of high inflation and even higher prices. Most people don't know how much they spend monthly or even how much they earn. This is a good time to pause and do a mid year inventory so you can make sure your money management is up pre-recession. It's up to you to be prepared for the next opportunity.
Why You Need to Seriously Save for Financial Emergencies
The stock market tumbled in September 2022, however the real turbulence came with a family health and financial emergency. Sometimes Building Wealth Takes a Back Seat.
Here’s How to Invest by Age Before the Next Recession
No matter how much we fight, we will hit a recession in the near future. With inflation hitting all time highs, investing is now a mandatory requirement of your wealth strategy.
Seven Money Principles to Grow Your Net Worth Faster
As the world prepares to enter into a new global recession for 2023, establish your money principles. It’s the only way you will be able to succeed. We’ve held the big R at bay since 2018 but it’s long overdue. “Global growth is slowing sharply, with further slowing likely as more countries fall into recession. My deep concern is that these trends will persist, with long-lasting consequences that are devastating for people in emerging markets and developing economies,โ said World Bank Group President David Malpass. Your Personal Economy Will Force You Back to Your Money Principles In January 2014, I found myself starting over from scratch. With a maxed-out $5,000…
The 7 Highly Effective Ways to Achieve Your Goals
92% of people never achieve their goals. While that might be true for them, instead lets focus and learn from the eight percent. Back in 350 BC, Aristotle stated “Our goal in life is to achieve happiness, which comes in two varieties: the human happiness we achieve by exercising the virtues of character, and the godlike happiness we achieve when we grasp eternal truths.“ To reach this destination, the great philosopher emphasizes the importance of education and our own personal habits. Over 2,000 years later, Psychology Today agreed “Consistent habits allow us to achieve our goals.” Here are the 7 lessons to help you achieve your goals: 1. Begin with…
How to Build Wealth Early w/ James Bowman of Gen-Z Mon-E
In this episode of the Financial Griot Podcast, Alainta and Lawrence get schooled by James Bowman of Gen-Z Mon-E podcast. He gives starting early a run for its money. We talk about his financial pivot point, how he became a real estate investor who is closing on his next property during a period of high inflation and pessimism, as well as what's next. The opportunity to get active is long overdue. Jump in here! And learn how to do more out the gate.
Here’s the Latest 401k, IRA and Other Contribution Limits for 2023
One of the best ways to become an automatic millionaire in your lifetime. Don't skip on the contributions.
Parents Retiring with no money? Read This Now!
CNBC penned an Op-Ed, "What millennials, Gen Z need to succeed against the economic odds?" Well the answer is simple; parents who are financially prepared for retirement. It's estimated that each underfunded retirement plan will cost kids and caregiver upward to $3,000 per month for each aging adult. By 2050, it will get very expensive. As such, the financial griot invested special guest Ecclessiate Guerrier and brings back guest host for the day, Michael Theodore to have an honest discussion on having the financial discussion with our aging parents. We share what we've experience and learned a few things along the way. Hope you enjoy. Be warned that our guess…
How to Deal with Challenges. Sharing our Mid-Year Review
"A mid-year review is a great way to energize your annual goals and performance, in a little-to-low pressure way." In this episode of the Financial Griot podcast, the crew is finally back together. On the table, our mid year recaps from major medical expenses, new pets, inflation and looming recession; it's been a rough six months. Lovely also shares the lessons she is learning along the way. This is going to be heavy. To make this actionable, we highly recommend that you do your own midyear recap. Even invite some friends or family members. This is your opportunity to recalibrate.
Black Wealth – We Reached +$750,000 in less than Five Years
Investment thunderstorms and costly repairs. Building wealth has never been harder but we can make it through.