
Discussion with Rare Bird Money ft. Ainjel McDonald

The Financial Griot
The Financial Griot
Discussion with Rare Bird Money ft. Ainjel McDonald

The Financial Griot Podcast crew is here with guest Ainjel Mcdonald. She shares her story of helping people build a comfortable life with education and her personal finance platform Rare Bird Money.

Contrary to social media’s curation of the soft life, the median Black household in America has around $24,000 in savings, investments, home equity, and other elements of wealth. By contrast, the median White household has around $189,000. This disparity continues to worsen in recent decades.

In the shadow of student loan debt and declining homeownership, we definitely need to have these important discussions. Though rare, there has to be a way to become Financially Independent while being Black.

if you are struggling with your money goals, this is a conversation for you.

Check out this story by VoyageHouston on the Rare Money Bird.

Finding The Rare Stories Amongst Us: 

The Financial Griot is a play on two words (Finance + Griot) that hold significance in closing the wealth gap while embracing our differences. This is all about finding the rare gems; stories about growth, opportunity, and embracing changes. Beyond that, we talk about Finances, because wealth is not just about the dollars but the sense we add to our lives.

Specifically, we teach people how to be financially fluent while incorporating actionable steps to ultimately build generational wealth. Can you imagine being a Millionaire in 20 years or less? Yeah, it’s possible. 80% of millionaires are the first generation. That means they didn’t come from wealth. We teach you how and go way beyond being credit card debt free.

So there you have it, The Financial Griot, or TFG for short. The hosts were able to amass over $3 Million in wealth in about nine years and are on track to retire early. We will gladly share the secrets if you want them since the opportunity is abundant and Win-Win. We also love to travel, it’s all about the destination.

Also, link up with Ainjel on Instagram at RareBirdMoney, to keep the conversation about life, wealth, and happiness flowing.

Connect with the TFG Crew Hosts: 

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