editing and reviewing your resume
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Crafting a Better Resume and Rebranding Your Purpose

The Financial Griot
The Financial Griot
Crafting a Better Resume and Rebranding Your Purpose

Writing a powerful resume has never been easy. But in today’s online, mobile and tech-driven employment landscape, it’s especially challenging. With work going remote, we are entering the age of virtual resumes and meta interviews.

In this episode of the Financial Griot, we are joined by special guest Michael Theodore, a Higher Education Career Counselor.

Hired and Not Fired

With U.S. unemployment claims climb to 260,000 and stick near nine-month high, it’s critical to learn how to optimize your resume.

From electronic scanning system techniques to the limited time of the human readers, if you want to get hired in 2022 and Beyond, you will need a bit more leverage than “I need a job“.

As the world changes toward reopening, TFG tackles issues on branding and designing a path that works for you in the short and long run.

In the episode, we also share tips on improve your overall presentation which often comes down to first appearances.

Here are 8 Critical Steps to improve your resume by Forbes.com: 

  1. Write to the future, not the past
  2. Integrate critical keywords
  3. Showcase your “wow.”
  4. Ditch the Objective (and replace it with a Summary)
  5. Write “lean and mean.”
  6. Make your contact information pop so busy hiring managers can reach you easily
  7. Improve your resumé’s skimmability.
  8. Punch up the design (cautiously)

Tips on how to prepare for an interview post pandemic (Beyond the classroom):

  1. Brush up on your virtual presentation from lighting to atmosphere
  2. Be Flexible and Positive
  3. Understand the balance of remote work life and the challenges that come with it.

Here is a checklist of the 5 Steps to Building Your Personal Brand on Social Media:

  1. Fully Update Your Social Media Accounts. If you are changing professionally, so will your social media handles.
  2. Regularly Share Content. Silence doesn’t drive the narrative. Engagement does.
  3. Find and join groups that align with your purpose.
  4. Keep your brand, voice, image & tone consistent. It would be ridiculous to find a politician twerking for votes (which actually happened) on Tik Tok but polished on Linkedin.
  5. Study influencers and take their lead in your area of expertise

Here’s a bit about our Resume

The Financial Griot is a play on two words (Finance + Griot) that hold significance in closing the wealth gap while embracing our differences. We tell the stories that others don’t. Stories about growth, opportunity and embracing changes. Beyond that we talk about Finances. Specifically, how to become Financially literate, incorporating actionable steps and ultimately building generational wealth.

Can you imagine being a Millionaire in 20 years or less? Yeah it’s possible. 80% of millionaires are first generation. That means they didn’t come from wealth. We even used our resumes to pivot to jobs and careers that paid us 5x more.

So there you have it, The Financial Griot or TFG for short. The hosts were able to amass over $2 Million in wealth in about 8 years and are on track to retire early. If you want the secrets; we will gladly share them since opportunity is abundant and Win-Win.

Don’t fall victim to being the indebted generation

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