The Choice is Simple, Barack Obama or Going to #Fincon22

When Lovely decided to send us a Meta Direct Message, I didn’t know it was going to be about Obama. Yeah the Barack Obama., 44th president of the United States.
What started off as an innocent inquiry to see where she should spend the weekend, after viewing the InBound22 line up, it was clear that TFG will be down 1 for FinCon22. Since both conferences were schedule for the same weekend, Lovely had to take the opportunity that was best suited for her.
Besides I was happened in her own backward (City). In this episode, we discuss the decision. At least she didn’t do us like Lebron and went on IG live or something. The lesson here, in all seriousness, life will provide you opportunities.
Sometimes, you will be presented with choices all at once. It’s OK since having multiple options are better than zero. In the end, I’m happy we are a team and can divide and conquer.
“No Man or Woman is an Island.“

Table of Contents
What is Inbound? Just in Case You Were Wondering?
Inbound is the big conference that brings HubSpot Partners, customers, sales and marketing professions together from around the globe. To call this conference packed is an understatement.
There were 14 featured speakers this year include headliner President Barack Obama, Viola Davis, Jane Goodall, and leaders from HubSpot, Twitter NTWRK, Good American, and The Hustle. There are 95+ breakout speakers as well.
Here is a list of some of the big-name speakers:
- David Meerman Scott – Presents How To Write and Publish a Book That Transforms Business and Supercharges Your Personal Brand
- Liz Simpson – Covers The Personal Branding Imperative for Leaders Post-Pandemic
- Mike K. Tatum – Presents Getting Smart About Smart Content
- Luke Dringoli – Showcases How To Make Old and New Data Coexist Peacefully in HubSpot
- Lindsay Tjepkema – Presents The Netflixization of Marketing: Turning Creativity Into Marketing Fuel
- Sangram Vajre – A returning veteran presents How Modern CEOs, Founders, and Revenue Leaders Go-to-Market and Become Leaders in Their Category?
- Sacha Dekker – Shares the session Finding Belonging After Returning to Work With a Disability
- Ashley Faus – Gives you insider tips on Building an Organization To Fuel the Flywheel.
- Dale Bertrand – Builds your curiosity with How AI Will Transform the Way Marketers Work
Everyone has their own reason for attending, but there are four elements this industry can never get enough of: education, ideas, community and connection. INBOUND is intentionally designed to provide plenty of all: Education, Ideas, Community and Connection.
This is big business.
Regular tickets start at $400 and went for $1,200. VIP Tickets went for a minimum of $1,500. Even when the economy is trending downward, companies are shelling major bucks to be in the room where it happens.
Well at least 2/3 Attended at FinCon22 instead of vybing with Obama
What is FinCon? Well we don’t have Obama but we have multiple millionaires and money nerds in one room.
FinCon is a conference that bridges the gap between marketers and personal finance. The idea is to bring together influencers, brands, and content creators in the realm of the investing and finance industry. Launched in 2011, the mission is simple.
To help personal finance content creators and brands create better content, reach their audience, and make more money.
How is it achieved? By having a great time. Speakers included but not limited to:
- Allison Baggerly, Inspired Budget
- Anthony O’Neal, How to Build an Impactful Brand: The Roadmap to 6 Figures a Month
- Bernadette Joy, Crush Your Money Goals
- Bobbi Rebell, CFP of Launching Financial Grown Ups
- Chris Browning of Popcorn Finance
- Clark Howard of the Clark Howard Show
- Lauren Cobello, Do What Serves You (and Don’t Feel Bad About It) โ A Conversation between Rich Jones, Lauren Greutman, and Pete McPherson
- Patrice Washington, Redefining Wealth & Opportunity Knock$
- Pete McPherson of Do Your Even Blog
- Rich Jones of the Mental Wealth Show
- Rob Berger of Financial Freedom Show
- Dr. Sharita M. Humphrey, Truth, Lies and Building a Business and
- Yanely Espinal, Miss Be Helpful & Next Gen Personal Finance
The Financial Griot Attended Both. So We spiritual Saw Obama too.
If you didn’t know, The Financial Griot is a simple match of two words (Finance + Griot). Griots are West African stories tellers, similar to Bards. But you don’t need to toss a coin to your Witcher for these gems.

For us, this podcast is a labor of love. Our goal is to help close the wealth gap. We tell the stories that others don’t. Stories about growth, opportunity, and embracing changes.
Beyond that, we talk about Finances. Specifically, how to become Financially literate, incorporate actionable steps, and ultimately build generational wealth. We also try to answer one key question:
Can you imagine being a Millionaire in 20 years or less? Yeah, it’s possible. 80% of millionaires are the first generation. That means they didn’t come from wealth. We teach you how. Join a community of subscribers that welcome a fresh take on money.
So there you have it, The Financial Griot or TFG for short. The hosts were able to amass over $2 Million in wealth in about 8 years and are on track to retire early. If you want the secrets; we will gladly share them since the opportunity is abundant and Win-Win.
Here’s How You Can Connect with the TFG Crew
- Alainta Alcin – Blogger, Travel and Money Enthusiast @alainta_alcin
- Lovely Merdelus – Entrepreneur and Small Business Growth Specialist @lovelymerdelus
- Lawrence Delva-Gonzalez – Federal Auditor, Blogger and Tax Specialist @theneighborhoodfinanceguy

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