How to qualify for Student Loan debt forgiveness?
This past Friday the Supreme Court struck down President Biden's student loan cancellation. The crew discusses the recent Supreme Court rulings and how these decisions will impact our lives and the entire country.
Humanizing Our Experience with Money
Today, we break down the latest 2022 data from the U.S. Census Bureau, the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, as well as the Federal Reserve Survey of Consumer Finances. The TFG reflects on how statistics can be used as a proactive tool and how the numbers humanize the average American's experience with money.
How to Move Toward Proactive Money Solutions ft. Jonathan Thomas
2/3 gang is present. Today we have guest Jonathan Thomas and he shares his money story and proactive solutions for building wealth.
Workers, Strikes and Union: The Financial Impact on Society
Today, the crew discussed the recent increase in worker strikes, their respective financial impacts, and the potential impacts on our entire society. The picket line, work freeze, and the cost of goods are taking their toll. Something has to give. Will society break or will the workers?
Engaging in Mandatory Wellness Checks: The Lonely Epidemic
The crew is back together and catching up. Today we discuss the lonely epidemic and the ways many of us struggle with the different levels of loneliness. And the realization of needing relationships and people. Being lonely is associated with an increased risk of heart disease, depression, and cognitive decline. The solution - Social Connection
Since You Got A Degree and Know Everything!
Today 2/3 of the gang is present. Lawrence and Alainta discuss career prospects and earning higher degrees, the false expectations of dreams, and scam lives.
Understanding the Necessity of Ownership in real life
Today we discuss the topic of black homeownership. We derived the conversation from a relator article breakdown of homeownership amongst different races and what the numbers mean for black communities moving forward.
The Truth about Progress in the US and the Power of Bootstrapping
The crew shares the story of being called a "Bootstrapper" and how bootstrapping has influenced their lives.
While most Podcast Fail within a year, TFG Reaches its 100th Podcast Episode
The gang is back! and today there is no topic at all. LOL catching up on what we've been binging, and what's going on in the world. And congratulation on TFG's 100th plus episode.
Why We Need to Fix the Gender Pay Disparity!
The crew is together again, and adding to the TFG short episode is guest Anjel Mcdonald. We discuss pay disparities in financial spaces and the lack of Black representation. Do organizations owe us anything, or do we owe ourselves to show up and become the solution-makers we seek?