How We Made $5k+ in Passive Income for Q2 2023
The second quarter of 2023 was hopeful. High prices raged on and it's likely that the passive income economy dragged down. With price inflation up, some goals might not materialize this year but we will likely still land in the positive. +$5k in gross passive income is still income.
The Crushing Weight of Poverty and its Effects
2/3 of the crew is present with another short. Lovely and Lawrence discuss the weight of poverty and how money impacts everything.
How Short Stories Can Instruct Us on How to Interact in Modern Society
By the way, I didn’t write these stories. Just resharing them here. These are financial lessons wrapped in life lessons. They stand the test of time. The Donkey and the Tiger The donkey told the tiger, “The grass is blue.” The tiger replied, “No, the grass is greenโ.” The discussion became heated, and the two decided to submit the issue to arbitration, so they approached the lion. As they approached the lion on his throne, the donkey started screaming: โฒโฒYour Highness, isn’t it true that the grass is blue?”โ The lion replied: “If you believe it is true, the grass is blue.”โ The donkey rushed forward and continued: โฒโฒThe tiger…
Still Not Debt Free. Grabbing the +$900k Net Worth Prize
Hooray we all made it through May and the Pandemic. Just six months left to reach your Financial Goals.
Amazing Financial Advice if You Make Less than $75,000 per year
Great financial advice if you are stuck in the middle and making less than $75,000 per year. Challenges are mounting, Grow with them.
Watching Our Wealth Grow Over $1,000,000 in 2023
Coming off of 2020-2021 with $200k net worth increases year over year, the market slowed drastically for 2022 and 2023. We're Tracking Still Growth over Losses.
Everything Concerning Black Love, Health, and Wealth
We are bringing it back! a newbie but technically an oldie. This is an older discussion the TFG (Before we became The Financial Griot) crew had in 2021 concerning black love and wealth.
Over 100 Quotes From Black Financial Experts and Wealth Builders
TNFG's Top 101 Motivational and Financial Quotes to Help You Build Generational Wealth and radically change your life for the better. Time to pivot toward a work-purpose balanced life.
Discussion with Rare Bird Money ft. Ainjel McDonald
The crew is here with guest Anjel Mcdonald. She shares her story of helping people build a comfortable life with education and the personal finance platform Rare bird Money.
Here are the 5 Expenses Destroying Your Budget More than the Latte
Turns out most American households are overspending by as much as $5,000. As inflation causes prices for nondiscretionary items like food, housing, and energy to rise, families need to reduce their expenses by any means. This will likely require a change in lifestyle too. My wife and I started eating out less. On top of that, we also started to eat less meat. Most don’t recognize that they are overspending, especially when a mild luxury outing is flanked by smaller ones. Debt by a thousand cuts. If you want to buck the trend of households living paycheck to debt or stress, take the road less traveled. Consider cutting these 5…