Millennial Money,  Money Behavior,  Podcast,  Relationships

How to Do the Internal Work to Reach Your True Worth

The Financial Griot
The Financial Griot
How to Do the Internal Work to Reach Your True Worth

Setting on a Journey of True Worth

Welcome back for another episode of the Financial Griot. As always, we dive in deep work by focusing on purpose, wealth, health and relationship.

In this episode, it’s Lovely Merdelus’ turn to dazzle us with her many rants. In truth, when she talks the world listens. She is diving deeper into her experience as a business owner that’s shifting cash flow quadrants to create something new.

As she discuss with her co-hosts Alainta Alcin and Lawrence Delva-Gonzalez, you will find a deeper understanding of the internal work that you have to do in order to grow and foster change in the world.

If we could leave you with one idea; “Stop asking for permission to start.” If you want to see change in the world, allow change withing yourself first. With that said, leave us a like, subscription and share with your friends. Life doesn’t change if we don’t change along with it. 

Go… And do the deep cleaning.

Close the year stronger than you started!

Check out these resources to help you redefine your true worth: 

Here’s a bit of background information on our name and how we define our true worth:

The Financial Griot is a play on two words (Finance + Griot) that hold significance in closing the racial wealth gap. 

Merriam-Webster defines a Griot as a West African historian, storyteller, praise singer, poet, or musician. The griot is a repository of oral tradition and is often seen as a leader due to their position as an advisor to royal personages. As a result of the former of these two functions, they are sometimes called a bard.

As such, we tell the stories that others don’t. Stories that we should share for growth, opportunity and understanding. Beyond that we talk about Finances. Specifically, how to become Financially literate, incorporating actionable steps and ultimately building generational wealth. 

So there you have it, The Financial Griot or TFG for short. You will be in for a treat. The hosts were able to amass over $2 Million in wealth in about 8 years and are on track to retire early. If you want the secrets; we will gladly share them since opportunity is abundant and Win-Win.

PS, this is a why for us to show up for others like we would have wanted for ourselves.

Connect with TFG Crew: 

Alainta Alcin – Blogger, Travel and Money Enthusiast @its_alainta

Lovely Merdelus – Entrepreneur and Small Business Growth Specialist @lovelymerdelus

Lawrence Delva-Gonzalez – Federal Auditor, Blogger and Tax Specialist @theneighborhoodfinanceguy

About Author

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