Millennial Money,  TNFG Weekly

TNFG Weekly Chapter 9: Doing all the Right Things the Wrong Way

TNFG Weekly is a dose of my favorite nutritional content and nuggets thatโ€™s worth indulging. Sharing Financial Wholeness through Mindset, Articles, Spirituality, Health, Food, Fitness, Books, and etc.

And to be honest, it’s kinda like free-styling off of one topic. Check out these chapters below:

The Best Path Forward

Donโ€™t tell me where your priorities are. Show me where you spend your money and Iโ€™ll tell you what they are.

James W. Frick

You could be doing all the right things the wrong way

There are too many chasing the goal of change while being unwilling to change themselves. It simply doesn’t work. Worse yet, you can do the wrong things and stumble on great results. In contrast, you can do all things correctly and find yourself deep in frustration because it just doesn’t work.

I’ve been there

I struggled in college. It wasn’t because I wasn’t smart. I lacked any strategy. At the time, I was in my first year in the Marines, starting my first year as a Freshman in college. I was in above my head and tasked to give up on self preservation in order to serve the group. For my entire undergrad, I was ready to die. <— military mindset will do that to you. All of my collegiate efforts were truly half ass because I couldn’t see two semesters in front of me.

I wasn’t been honest with myself. I actively engage in self-sabotage.

Working Against Yourself

There is a trinity that comprise you; the mind, the body and the spirit. If you don’t have the will, the body will cease to function. Additionally, if you mind isn’t fixated on solutions, you can spend all your spirit on passion projects that lead to nowhere. Learn to understand your own synergy.

What can you do to constantly add value while serving your NEEDS. The WANTS will eventually come.

If you ever wondered about the job interview that didn’t work out, maybe it didn’t work out for your benefit. You aren’t allotted everything in the universe. The universe will give you what you need. The rest is up to you to work and move in your own favor.

Use the 5/25 rule.

Write down the top 25 dreams and goals you have. Now, narrow that down to five. Turns out the last 20 dreams are merely distractions. Focus up. Work smarter with your limited time to eventually have your effort working for you. Think about the issues differently. If you find yourself spending money and wasting time in unsuccessful project for more than 3 years, you might need to really pivot.

Each day, just focus on getting 1% better in whatever it is youโ€™re trying to improve. Thatโ€™s it. Just 1%. In society, we convinced ourselves that massive success requires some sort of massive action. In truth, the underestimate the importance of one defining every little moment and making small improvements on a daily basis. Consistency is part of the wealth equation.

My Favorite Videos on the topic

How to Work Smarter Not Harder | Project Management Videos


The Pomodoro Technique was invented in the early 1990 by Francesco Cirello, he used a timer to track his work as a university student, and we all know that every student wants to know how to work smarter not harder. We will go over the technique in the video so you can learn how to work smarter not harder. If you want to double your productivity then this concept can really make a huge difference in how productive you are with your time.

My Favorite Finance Articles On the Topic of Making 1% Changes

6 Ways to Challenge Yourself to Be Better With Money (by

The Power of 1 Percent Better (Entrepreneur by Greg Wells)

Continuous Improvement: How It Works and How to Master It (James Clear)

Worth Following on Instagram

Why I share IG suggestions? To show you that you control the environment around you. You modify the algorithm that will help you succeed in life. If you follow empty spaces, you will end up in an empty space.

Tailored Wealth Saver

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