Millennial Money,  TNFG Weekly

TNFG Weekly Chapter 7: Lifestyle Changes over Better Results

TNFG Weekly is a dose of my favorite nutritional content and nuggets thatโ€™s worth indulging. Sharing Financial Wholeness through Mindset, Articles, Spirituality, Health, Food, Fitness, Books, and etc.

And to be honest, it’s kinda like free-styling off of one topic. Check out the last few chapters below:

  1. We Replicate What We Celebrate
  2. Prioritizing Wealth Building over Baby Steps
  3. Two Cups, Too Many
  4. Diary of a Financial Failure
  5. All about Family and Financial Accountability

Chasing The Real You

New Goals Don’t Deliver New Results. New Lifestyles do. And a Lifestyle is a Process, NOT an Outcome. For this Reason, Your Energy Should Go Into Building Better Habits, Not Chasing Better Results.

James Clear

We are all chasing the best version of ourselves.

We encounter unhappy people everyday. By the time we log unto the internet or even turn on the television, we already had to deal with ourselves. Some wake up joyful, grateful, annoyed, tired, etc. Others wake up in medical pain, depressions, anger, etc… By the time we wake up, one thing is universal. We are looking for the happiest version of ourselves for the next 24 hours.

Consequently, we are looking to be FULFILLED.

Finding Fulfillment Through the Journey

Initially, in my journey from poverty, I thought I was seeking knowledge and wealth. In truth, I wanted to prove people wrong. I wanted those who made me feel bad, to also feel bad because I was winning. The side effect of self improvement, your environment changes and so do the people. I can now say that I miss those people. Why?

Because I wish we could have all been different in the past, warmer and more understanding. We were kids. Maybe we could have helped each other versus hurting each other.

As of late, I realized the path altered itself. Thus, the journey modified me. The destination is to be fulfilled. We are breathing, feeling and evolving. It’s not all about the money. Ask yourself what would you do if you had all the money in the world?

Spending money would get old. That sounds crazy but it’s true. After all the parties, you will eventually get bored and would still have to confront the truth. Life is about way more than spending, traveling, luxury living and etc…

Take moment to evaluate if your journey is in alignment with what you will need to do in life. Consider how you will be remembered. Review how impactful you are to the people who need you the most. Find your true north and you will fin that the journey is better than the destination.

As for me, I share and want to build a space where people won’t have to hurt each other to feel complete.

My Favorite Videos on the topic

Businesses Do NOT Exist to Make Money | Simon Sinek

Money is like fuel. Cars need fuel, but the purpose of the car is not to buy more fuel. Business is the same. The purpose of business is not to make money, it’s to advance a greater purpose or cause.

How to Find Your Purpose | Jay Shetty on Impact Theory

Jay Shetty is making wisdom go viral. After spending years on the road studying as a monk he re-entered the world and began scaling the digital voice of companies to make an impact. Now with a wide-reaching following of his own, Jay is creating engaging, inspiring content for the masses. Watch as he discusses how to find your purpose and redefine entertainment on this episode of Impact Theory with Tom Bilyeu.

Soul: Deep or Dumb | WiseCrack

Pixarโ€™s Soul might be one of the best films of 2020. While it asks some huge questions about what it takes to live a meaningful life, does it offer any compelling answers? Letโ€™s find out in this Wisecrack Edition on Soul: Deep or Dumb?

My Favorite Finance Articles On the Topic of Making the Journey the Goal over the Destination

Science Says Finding Your Purpose Could Be the Key to Financial Success (Inc. by Amy Morin)

Purpose and Money: Whatโ€™s the Connection? (Paragon Road by Natalie P. Wagner)

Why Earning Money Is Not Your Real Purpose (And How To Know What Is) (Personal Excellence)

My Favorite Big Idea: Living a Life Worth Living

  1. Jot down your 5, 10, 20 year plan. Schedule in the time to think about your purpose and what you want and need to do in life. Share it with friends.  
  2. Consider Being More than a Consumer on the Weekends: write a blog, share a viewpoint, draw, sign or share your talents. Learn to play a new sport or a new instrument. Watch less. Do More.
  3. Remember that You Are Valuable and Valued: Too often we render our value to society to likes. Your existence matters and can have a greater impact to the people right next to you.

Worth Following on Instagram

Why I share IG suggestions? To show you that you control the environment around you. You modify the algorithm that will help you succeed in life. If you follow empty spaces, you will end up in an empty space.

David Goggings

Client error: `GET` resulted in a `400 Bad Request` response: {"error":{"message":"Error validating access token: The user has not authorized application 485465299010985.","type":"OA (truncated…)

Lovely Merdelus | CEO of Eleven59inc

Client error: `GET` resulted in a `400 Bad Request` response: {"error":{"message":"Error validating access token: The user has not authorized application 485465299010985.","type":"OA (truncated…)

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