Love is an Action Verb. It’s a Genuine and Consistent Act of Service
To quote a great tweet from @sista_theology, "A God that co-signs everything I do, say, think and believe, is not a God; but an idol of my own making." Too often in this day and age, we relegate the work that needs to be done to others versus gaining a true understanding of our roles. We are here to serve. No man is an island, devoid of the purpose of service and being in service with his fellow man. As such, the Financial Griot podcast crew is dedicating this episode to share what really moves us, in hopes that you are moved to serve in turn. As always share, like…
Casting Prayers for Opportunities BUT Avoiding Change When It Comes
"Sometimes we stop our own success" In this episode, Lovely and the crew talk about rebuilding our wealth mindset: seeing and acting on opportunity. When the door opens, sometimes you are confronted with your own inaction, fear and limiting beliefs. When that happens, you would need to fight through imposter syndrome. Lawrence is ironically coming clean with his own insecurities.