Millennial Money,  TNFG Weekly

TNFG Weekly Chapter 13: Pushing Post Pandemic Spending Revenge

TNFG Weekly is a dose of my favorite nutritional content and nuggets thatโ€™s worth indulging. Sharing Financial Wholeness through Mindset, Articles, Spirituality, Health, Food, Fitness, Books, and etc.

And to be honest, it’s kinda like free-styling off of one topic. Check out these chapters below:

Post Pandemic Finances or Lack There Of

Millions of Americans faced unexpected job losses, business closures, or other dramatic changes to the way they live, work, and spend because of the pandemic.

How to create a budget for a post-Covid world: Financial advisors, Janet Alvarez

This is a Long-term Change

For as much as we want to hope that we can return to normal, after more than 1 Million deaths worldwide, we won’t. With eviction moratoriums running dry, the new world will have to contend with wage reduction, price inflation, and a sustained lower labor market. On the positive end of the spectrum, US savings rates reached as high as 30%. And Americans are starved to spend their money.

Grand Openings

I expect to see gas shortages for the summer due to increases in travel around the world, with premium prices for car rentals. On top of that, a heavy retail boom in the fall for back to school and back to normal retail. It’s unfortunate but may are waiting for revenge spending.

By Fall into Winter 2021, I will decrease my social media traffic to avoid the FOMO. While I do intend to travel in 2022, many will simply drive their wealth back to pre-Rona level and in good measure let the journey take them under.

For your own game plan:

  1. Readjust your budget by adding 30% back into your monthly costs,
  2. Continue contributing into your Investments, and
  3. Pre-Plan your vacations time for the Holidays and for 2022.

Save your coins, it’s not worth it losing all the perspective you learned only to rush back to the older version of you. I repeat, the ultimate act of regression in 2021 is rushing back to your 2019 self. Trend Tracking and Inflation will eat through wealth create in 2020.

My Favorite Videos on Revenge Spending

There’s going to be ‘revenge spending’: Kimco Realty CEO

Cost Pressures Driving Up Food Prices

My Favorite Finance Articles On Revenge Spending

Americans have $1.7 trillion to burn in โ€˜revenge-spendingโ€™ binge (Bloomberg News)

Will we see โ€˜revenge spendingโ€™ in Europe after the COVID-19 crisis? (Good Rebels by Joel Calafell)

More Consumers Are โ€˜Revenge Spendingโ€™ Their Stimulus Checks (Georgina Tzanetos)

Worth Following on Instagram

Why I share IG suggestions? To show you that you control the environment around you. You modify the algorithm that will help you succeed in life. If you follow empty spaces, you will end up in an empty space.

Savvy Girl Money

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