TFG’s Reel Rant – The Unfortunate Pursuit of Going Viral

By the original definition, a reel is a a cylinder on which film, wire, thread, or other flexible materials can be wound. Nowadays, a IG Reel is the preferred method to be entertained and informed.
Reels are a modern form of mass communication.
Anyone can be popular for 15 seconds on Instagram. And therein lies the problem. The true definition is one of an overnight celebrity; someone became famous very quickly. While the fame is intoxicating, it’s highly addictive and will only live you broke and dead in the long run.

Table of Contents
Reel Rant Activated
Today, The Financial Griot Podcast hosts discuss finding Reel peace with Lovely Merdelus.
We baited our co-host into rant and then hit record. You get to hear the entire rampage. Listen how she loses her cool and goes chooses violence and carnage. She is usually so nice though.
Obviously, it’s a play on words.
What we say all this to warn you. Sometimes what you see might not be what it appears on social media. Discernment is key. And sometimes it’s just what you see and how you interpret the information in your own mind.
Also, just in case you missed it, Meta, TikTok, and others are being sued. Check out 10 ways Social Media is hurting kidsโ mental health and development.
Beyond Ranting about Reels and Social Media
The Financial Griot is a play on two words (Finance + Griot) that hold significance in closing the wealth gap while embracing our differences. We tell the stories that others don’t. Stories about growth, opportunity and embracing changes.
As a bonus, we talk about Finances. Specifically, how to become Financially literate, incorporating actionable steps and ultimately building generational wealth.
Can you imagine being a Millionaire in 20 years or less? Yeah it’s possible. 80% of millionaires are first generation. That means they didn’t come from wealth. We teach you how. Join a community of subscribers that welcome a fresh take on money.
So there you have it, The Financial Griot or TFG for short. The hosts were able to amass over $2 Million in wealth in about 8 years and are on track to retire early. If you want the secrets; we will gladly share them since opportunity is abundant and Win-Win. We actively try to provide content that will challenge you.
You’ve been warned. We are trying to do our part, since all insta-social media is not good for your health.
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- Alainta Alcin – Blogger, Travel and Money Enthusiast @alainta_alcin
- Lovely Merdelus – Entrepreneur and Small Business Growth Specialist @lovelymerdelus
- Lawrence Delva-Gonzalez – Federal Auditor, Blogger and Tax Specialist @theneighborhoodfinanceguy
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