Learn How to Stop Coming Up Short. No Vision + Objectives = Failure

“If the vision is weak so are the results.”
In this episode of the Financial Griot podcast, the crew talk about how to set your atomic habits to match your grand vision and vice versa. By February, most people already failed in their yearlong resolution to change. We told you, New Year Same You.
There are ways to set the tone and start anew.
If you want to be above average and you want to move beyond living paycheck to paycheck, the work starts in your mind. Making you wealth is easy but if you aren’t ready for the work, it’s a waste of time.
So the choice is on you, the road less travel with obstacles or LA 2019 gridlock during a Basketball semifinals game?
Table of Contents
Whatโs the difference between a life strategy and long-term goals?
Goals are individual experiences and accomplishments you strive for. A vision is the bigger picture.
Your lifeโs vision defines who you want to be, what you want to be known for and the set of experiences and accomplishments you aim for. Your vision helps define the goals by giving you a framework to evaluate those goals.
Start today by Dreaming and expressing your purpose.
Additionally, you should concentrate on the bigger picture. Create a sense-of-purpose and meaning to life. Do not limit yourself to what surrounds you today.
Here’s a bit about our vision for the podcast:

The Financial Griot is a play on two words (Finance + Griot) that hold significance in closing the racial wealth gap.
A Griot is a West African historian, storyteller, praise singer, poet, or musician.
The griot is a repository of oral tradition and is often seen as a leader. As such, we tell the stories that others don’t.
Stories that we share can help you grow, attract new opportunities and yield new understanding. Beyond that we talk about Finances. Specifically, how to become Financially literate, incorporating actionable steps and ultimately building generational wealth.
So there you have it, The Financial Griot or TFG for short.
Once you centered your vision, please feel free to connect with us:
- Alainta Alcin – Blogger, Travel and Money Enthusiast @alainta_alcin
- Lovely Merdelus – Entrepreneur and Small Business Growth Specialist @lovelymerdelus
- Lawrence Delva-Gonzalez – Federal Auditor, Blogger and Tax Specialist @theneighborhoodfinanceguy

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