My Full Financial Breakdown from January 2012- December 2018
Usually when you hear “from -$110k to $115k+ in net worth“; it simply sounds like a story. Something unattainable. Something make-believe. Or even Something Jussie Smollett would concoct on the mean streets of Chicago in a Blizzard. Well, this isn’t one of those.
Below you find an excel sheet breaking down everything that I did wrong and some of the few things that I ended up doing right. I really do hope that you learn something for yourself.
Additionally, I hope that you DO something for yourself. KNOWLEDGE is one thing, but ACTION is where every fwd movement lies.
Table of Contents
My financial breakdown of all my expenses in Fiscal 2012 (Click for a bigger picture)

*It got complicated so I’m truncating the next years. Click on the phrase below for a link to an article that might give you some insight.
There are multiple benefits to talking about money
Biggest takeaways from 2012
I was clocking in about $372/month on food. That’s insane. A family of four can live off of that. I was paying $1,250 in credit card interest fees, enough for an international vacation for a few days. 98% credit card usage for the $2,225 worth of stuff that I can’t even remember. I really needed to do something fast. I’m happy that I started to change my habits.
Fiscal 2013

Biggest takeaways from 2013
Wow. Food spending down to $176.02/month which increased my health tremendously. Cutting the excess helped trim down the fat and the carbs. I also did my first Spartan Race. Better outlook and even netted a solid job upgrade.
My fees were still pretty high due to the moving costs but I was splitting the difference and learning. I caught $350 worth of fraudulent charges thanks to checking Mint.com periodically. Prayer works. And Root Canals are expensive even when you opt for no drugs to save on the cost.
Worst pain that I’ve ever experienced in my life. The ex-girlfriend said I would never be anything but broke. She was having a bad day. She was feeling crummy about her life and didn’t like my positivity. I ended up setting out on a journey, not to prove her wrong, but to prove to her that it’s possible to change your stars. It just needs loads of rocket fuel.
Fiscal 2014

Biggest takeaways from 2014
All that glitters are way more expensive. Got a job, Moved to DC. Now way more rent, utilities, and food costs. It was crazy but it was still wonderful. Learned the power of staycations.
New cities and especially world cities make that part easy. I went to one happy hour; bought one expensive drink and was forced to split the tab with heavy pocket friends. After blowing $75 that I didn’t have, to go to sleep on the floor because I didn’t have a bed yet…
I learned that the Jones don’t give AF. Credit card uses down to 7%. I learned about credit cards, retirement, savings, investments, and everything about myself. Close friends laughed at me (it stung). However, their opinions held little to no financial weight, they were poor. They didn’t even make cents. I paid off credit cards and one of the student loans.
Energy went straight through the roof. Money is emotional.
Bonus Material: “Dang It, I got one of them… Age 22 for the Win…”

Fiscal 2015

Biggest takeaways from 2015
Welp, never break-up with a girlfriend and be nice enough to consider moving in with her to lower rent… It’s a trap. It screwed up my life and brought along a string of grey hairs. I had to take her to court. She owed me $1,250. It wasn’t chump change. I learned… being financially prepared helps break my fall. I paid off another student loan.
Consolidated the rest and set off on the 10-year slavery program with the government to pay off my debts. I’m getting a hang on living in DC. Drawback – marriages and family stuff requires flights and money. The best part of the year is when I landed a $550 rent situation in DC. SAVINGS!!!!
I learned that good prices are possible. YOU HAVE TO BE WILLING TO MOVE TO THE NOT SO FAVORABLE LOCATIONS.
Fiscal 2016

Biggest takeaways from 2016
Alls well that ends well. Rent situation savings meant a decrease in credit cards. Another Student loan bites the dust. Charity is up to $3k. Taxes are favorable. Travel to Canada, Miami, Vermont, and Brazil. Credit card fees down to $104. Credit card usage at 14%. And the best part. Got a Condo. Spare you the details. Net worth went from -$60k to -$20k. Progress.
I also graduated to using Personal Capital (as of 2.9.16) โข It’s amazing. The way it breaks down net worth is linear and easy. It’s the upgrade to Mint.com. Though I still love using both.

Fiscal 2017

Biggest takeaways from 2017
After cuing every ratchet songs, all I can say is that I’m humbled by the ride. The ups and absolute crushing lows. The ridicule.
The weekends of grinding out excel sheets. Ideas, Goals, and Actions. God is truly the master manipulator. I’m lazy most of the time. I procrastinate and I make mistakes but wow. I was even able to go back to Canada and Brazil (all expenses paid for).
Helped a friend get a loan for his house. Raised over $5k in charity money. The discipline spurred votes on google maps, staycations, and happiness. Net worth in 2017 went from -$20k to $28k. Progress!
Crossing the zero axis … The feeling is incredible.

Fiscal 2018

Biggest takeaways from 2018

Investment properties can be a lot of work but tons of fun. Market ups and downs happen. Just remember that when it is down; someone is still winning. But that’s the story. I went from -$110k as of January 2014; sleeping on the ground in an apartment with no heat.
No food, no available credit, and waiting on two paychecks.
To look back, at the end of 2018 with over $116k (could have been $140k if the economy stayed strong) at home, fireplace, well-stocked fridge… God is infinitely good and merciful. He is worth a prayer in good and bad times.
As of now, January 1st 2019, 5AM.
Up like I’ve been waiting for 2019, my whole life. Thankful for another year. There will be work. There will be setbacks. Through it all, there will be happiness. There will be growth. Life is the full ride. I’m ready for a Europe Trip of a lifetime (Summer 2019).

Bonus Years
Fiscal 2019

Fiscal 2020

Running Tally

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