Crushing Over $60k in Consumer Debt in 7 Months
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July was a Win
Business Insider Feature, Work Bonus Announcement, and Inflation-Investments
While July didn’t hit the net worth score board like we hoped, it was a still a good month.
Back at the Gym and back on the track, we are leaving all the sweat equity on the board for 2021. This retrospect reminded me about Gratefulness.
As human being, we get excited when we win but we soon forget them. The concept is otherwise known as the Hedonic Treadmill. In truth, we are always winning every day.
If you woke up and felt healthy, it’s a far cry from those who didn’t wake up at all, or woke up in chronic pain. Make the best of your days. Try to enjoy them.
You might feel stressed and up against the wall, however take a deep breath and count back your blessings from 10. Exercise Gratefulness like it is a muscle. It will help you attain perspective, insight and even offer you comfort when you need it.
If you are new to my content, this article will showcase the TNFG monthly Net Worth Breakdown for July 2021 where making money make sense. Additionally, there are always usable financial nuggets and aha moments that might help you along the way.

A Million More Mental Problems in July
Back to business.
Mental Health is the topic du Jour. Therapists are very happy with this outcome since that translates to $$$. Athletes are leading the way and saying enough is enough. It’s not the sport IMO, it’s social media and the ongoing cabin fever of living in a world of uncertainty. If people were truly students of history, they would notice the similarities. Alas, we seem doom to repeat this moment as if it was new.
The best thing for people to do is to prepare for the reentry for the rest of the year.
As difficult as it may seem, we had an eighteen month reprieve. Additionally, we should all start to plan our lives on paper using the 5-10-20 year method. Most of our problems are vest in the idea that we aren’t living with any true purpose. We are waiting for things to merely happen to us and for us. It’s the entitlement matrix. You have to break free and start being the lead character in your own story.
As a bonus, I would implore you to adopt Digital Minimalism. Like a cellphone with too many apps open with too little storage, the modern society has cluttered the human mind and its ability to process. You will have to challenge yourself to Detox Your Digital Life.
Check out the video (below) for tips on how and why:
Shifting Post July to the 2nd Half of the Year

Planning Season from July to December
Day by day it might seem like a hurdle but wealth is counted in the long term. We’ve been fortunate to have a solid trajectory this year. We are investing while paying off debt. The goal by the end is about +$200,000 net worth growth.
So far, this year I think I’m coming around to index investing vs hoping on the solo hits. 2020 investing cycle was a lot easier post March 2020. Now I think the economy is settling at around +2% per month.
My wife and I want to incorporate more fun activities. With doors opening, I would recommend that you add about +30% to your existing budget going forward. Feel free to read the article below for more tips.
Here’s the Quick Summary:
What Happens Next!

The world is changing post vaccine. There is a rise of mental health issues and a slide back to poverty for a lot of people. The transition will be harder by Christmas 2021.
Until then, my family plans to keep our heads down and plan for the next international trip in 2022. This is what half Milly folks really do.
Not much to say for this +1.76% increase.
July was a tough month investment-wise. Additional spending didn’t help. The true cash value was about $9,672, $11,000 less than what I anticipated.
The Great Resignation, COVID-19 variants and Inflation are pushing people to the breaking point.
I often speculated that society back in 2019 was balanced in the same fashion as Rome. Where problems brewed in the background while the citizens stayed entertained in the Colosseum and the Theater. Unfortunately the pandemic broke up that momentum and people grew more aware.
Less booze would clear up many minds. The next big hurdle will likely be mental health issues. To tackle this, drink water, sleep on time and by routine, exercise often.
What did Our July Expenses Look like?

We are FAT!!! But FIRE?
Time for me to start counting macros and decrease luxury eating because almost $700 for Food and Dining is ridiculous.
We share the expense report to show you that we aren’t perfect but we are tracking. Additionally, we aren’t on a budget per say.
We use the Net Max Budgeting method that allows flexibility in how we spend. As long as there is $3,000 in our checking to start the next month’s of expenses, we are cover. After that we pay expenses, and invest the difference.
The Travel was unavoidable for the rental property and the Auto & Transport was up due to renewing the registration for 2 years.
The entertainment stayed low since we are still in the pandemic season.
Fees & Charges weren’t too bad due to cashback offsets. To date, credit card interest and cashback equal a payment of $260.40 in our favor. We also recoup about $300 worth of medical reimbursements through our HSAs.
This leads to our YTD credit card payments for the last 7 months at $58,023.98. On average, we pay $8,024 per month. It’s been challenging with unanticipated expenses as well as lacking in some other revenue streams ie consultations this year. However, we are still on track to knock down around $85,000 worth of credit card expenses.

Takeaways for July
Notoriety and Growth
The world is filled with challenges and will remain like this into perpetuity. Make peace with that and try to beat your best. Simone Biles and Naomi Osaka are multi millionaires. Like other celebrities, they can afford to take the reprieve. Why? Because they already put in a lifetime of commitment.
If you are watching TV, playing video games or spending money shopping online; that’s not the same as a lifetime of commitment. Think and apply yourself. Put in the sweat equity and rearrange your lifestyle so that you can reach your desired goals.
No one is going to do it for you.
Check out this video of Alainta Alcin losing her job in 2020, hitting the wall and moving forward.
What is the Next Step for Us?
Still working on e-Books or other items for the website
Beyond that here’s our overarching goals for 2021:
- Keeping our expenses where they should be. “So stop equating happiness and social acceptance based on the money you spend.“
- Get to $35,000 in M1 Finance focusing on Growth and Dividend Income that generates at least $2,500 in passive income in 2022. Check out the portfolio in real time. If you like the platform and want to start investing, I have the $50 for $50 referral if you need it (Limited Time) โ https://m1.finance/SYdqDJ2SyADC.
- Shooting for a sustained investment rate with the push for $1 Million net worth in 2 Years. To help monitor your savings, cash flow, net worth, investments, retirement and more FREE with Personal Capital! Sign up with my link & get $20 Amazon gift card. *Terms apply. https://pcap.rocks/lawrencegonz

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