Learn How to be Successful at Dating and Getting Married

Table of Contents
Dating with a Purpose, saves you Time and Money
In this episode of the Financial Griot, Lovely and Alainta bait Lawrence to talk about relationship timelines. Getting into the right relationship can add to your health and your wealth. Jumping blindly into the wrong relationship can be deadly.
Since social media devolved into pure #GenderWars, allow us to set the record straight.
Allow the Neighborhood Finance Guy to mansplain his way out. A relationship is not a business. Let’s repeat, a relationship is not a business. Not sure where people started to simplify courtship for money. A relationship is the foundation for generational wealth. The implied wealth is not valued in dollar signs. Instead, it’s all about a value-added life.
Purposeful dating and mating allow you to craft a new identity.
Modern Day Dating
Especially in the modern day, it is important to get the timeline right so you can avoid the costly single life and the long term non married life. Part of the process requires that you turn inward to grow and to show up for others.
With that said, thanks for tuning in to the show. Leave us any thoughts, comments, and ideas on this episode or for future episodes.
Also read, A Man’s Guide to Not go broke while dating.
Here’s a bit of background why TFG talks about relationships and dating:
The Financial Griot is a play on two words (Finance + Griot). The idea is to tell our stories in a mindful way to allow you to build a dating game plan that leads to a better life.
As your Griots, we pride ourselves in providing lived experienced that you can learn and growth from. As such, we tell the stories that others don’t. Stories that we should share for brighter opportunities and understanding. Beyond that we talk about Finances. Specifically, how to become Financially literate, incorporating actionable steps and ultimately building generational wealth.ย
So there you have it, The Financial Griot or TFG for short. You will be in for a treat and you will find your own purpose. The hosts were able to amass over $2 Million in wealth in about 8 years and are on track to retire early. If you want the secrets; we will gladly share them since opportunity is abundant and Win-Win.
If you like this episode, share, like subscribe and leave us a review. As a bonus, read about why relationships and Money dates matter. Check out the non-negotiables below.

Connect with TFG Crew:
Alainta Alcin – Blogger, Travel and Money Enthusiast @its_alainta
Lovely Merdelus – Entrepreneur and Small Business Growth Specialist @lovelymerdelus
Lawrence Delva-Gonzalez – Federal Auditor, Blogger and Tax Specialist @theneighborhoodfinanceguy
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