FIRE Journey
Financial Independence, Retire Early (FIRE) is a movement of people devoted to living life. Additionally, it's about living beyond the need to continually clock in for dollars. In essence, the journey leverages time as an asset. By saving and investing, the aim is to allow them to retire far earlier than the norm. As early as even age 40. Considering that the Average American will likely retire north of 65, it's a lot of time to get acclimated to living life in pursuit of purpose. With an annual saving of more than 15% of their gross annual income, F.I.R.E. proponents aim to retire early. How? By building sizeable assets. And, by living off at least 4 percent withdrawals from the principal. Detailed strategies, financial planning, economic discipline, and wise investment are key components in achieving F.I.R.E.
The Four Horsemen – a Monthly Dividend Portfolio Earning 10%+ Annually
The Four Horsemen of Monthly Dividends offers an investment portfolio that pays out monthly. A Tax Free consideration for Retirement? Average +10% Annual Returns with +6% dividend yield
How We are Becoming Truly Debt Free by 2036
A breakdown of how our household is tackling debt in wave. Our end goal is to debt free by the time we retire early.
Setting Up The Ultimate Retirement Hack to Living for FREE
More People Should Build Wealth. It's Easier than You Think. Most Millennials Can and Should Consider Becoming Millionaires.
TNFG Weekly Chapter 3: โTwo Cups, Too Manyโ
Focusing just on coffee misses the point entirely. The Latte Effect applies to everything from how much we pay for TV subscriptions, gym, peloton, multiple cars in the parking lot of your home. Most families have a problem with over spending as a mean to derive happiness.
How to Work Smarter with a Financial Independence Plan
2020 Was a Year That We Will Not Forget. Work Smarter, Not Harder. Go Together to Travel Further. Choose Together Because the Destination is Not Moving.
How To Build A Long-term Investment Portfolio Earning 250% Annual Return
First Investment Review. How This Black Millennial Couple Beat the Market by 10x in their First Year. Annual Return over 250%.
How to Build a 5-Yr Investment Portfolio with over 500% Growth
The game has been US-centric but it is not going to matter much longer. 130% growth over 5 years is nice but over 500% is a bigger deal. Play with being average if you want with the advice floating on social media or learn to move beyond being average.
How to make over 20% on your investments in 2021
TNFGโs Fav Five ETFs for 2021 Each year comes with its own share of trials and tribulations. The best part of 2020 is that it is over. With the market taking a dive in March 2020, only the few top tech companies seem to have carried the entire economy on their backs. This presents a colossal opportunity for investors over long-term savers. Buy ETFs Low, and Hold to Sell High While most fin-social media pundits will scream Vanguard Total Stock Index $VTI to the day they die, I rather go for a more nuance approach. In other words, if you want to succeed, it is best not to take the…
How to Start Your Black Financial Independence Revolution
Every good decision is not binary. Investing in a 401k for example; earns you the matching contribution, tax avoidance, bigger refund, growth in mkt valuation, and even reduction in student loans. It's a smarter way to FI