FIRE Journey
Financial Independence, Retire Early (FIRE) is a movement of people devoted to living life. Additionally, it's about living beyond the need to continually clock in for dollars. In essence, the journey leverages time as an asset. By saving and investing, the aim is to allow them to retire far earlier than the norm. As early as even age 40. Considering that the Average American will likely retire north of 65, it's a lot of time to get acclimated to living life in pursuit of purpose. With an annual saving of more than 15% of their gross annual income, F.I.R.E. proponents aim to retire early. How? By building sizeable assets. And, by living off at least 4 percent withdrawals from the principal. Detailed strategies, financial planning, economic discipline, and wise investment are key components in achieving F.I.R.E.
Stocks are Down, May as well Buy the Dip!
Hooray we all made it through May and the Pandemic. Just six months left to reach your Financial Goals.
Here are the Top 10 Haitian American Financial Influencers to Help You Build Wealth
If you want to know how to live better and build wealth fast, just follow these Top 10 Haitian American Financial Influencers and Podcasts
Almost $15k Passive Income for Q1 2022 – A Little Money Here and There
The first quarter of 2022 was rough. Winter dragged on and the passive income dragged down. Society is learning that 2022 is not like 2020 or 2021. With price inflation up, some goals might not materialize this year. My primary mission for the 2nd half is to ramp up Financial Literacy consultations and write some E-Books?
Our Investments Dropped $50k in the Red. Inflation Madness Continues!
Investments are in the red. For some, it took all of 2021 growth off the table. High Inflation and a War will do that. It's getting harder. It's costing the average household an extra $6,000 per year to keep up.
Pandemic Investment Performance Are Up 100%! Use These Tips
Our investment grew by an astonishing +98.50% beating the S&P and most investment management portfolios. Here's how we were able to do this.
Inflation is Here to Stay. Investing is Not Optional Anymore, it’s Mandatory.
The pandemic revealed a lot, Inflation and high prices are here to stay. Investing is not Optional anymore, it's Mandatory. Try this strategy
Our Portfolio is up almost $15,000 in 1-day! Winning!?
How to construct an investment portfolio that thrives during an inflation. Sharing all the tips and market tricks to edge out wins.
My Life after reaching Financial Independence and Retiring Early
made it this far if it was not for the blood, sweat and effort of everyone that came before me. Because of that, I want to do something special, something unexpected...
Revealing Our Investment Strategy while Inflation Hits a 30-year High
How to construct an investment portfolio that thrives during an inflation. Sharing all the tips and market tricks to edge out wins.
MLK’s Legacy, The Civil Rights Movement and Black Wealth Perspective
Financial freedom is this generation's civil rights movement. With Black spending ramping as high as $1.6 Trillion and Net worth heading to $0