FIRE Journey
Financial Independence, Retire Early (FIRE) is a movement of people devoted to living life. Additionally, it's about living beyond the need to continually clock in for dollars. In essence, the journey leverages time as an asset. By saving and investing, the aim is to allow them to retire far earlier than the norm. As early as even age 40. Considering that the Average American will likely retire north of 65, it's a lot of time to get acclimated to living life in pursuit of purpose. With an annual saving of more than 15% of their gross annual income, F.I.R.E. proponents aim to retire early. How? By building sizeable assets. And, by living off at least 4 percent withdrawals from the principal. Detailed strategies, financial planning, economic discipline, and wise investment are key components in achieving F.I.R.E.
Are You Really Rich or Just Playing Expensive Dress-Up?
Between the Upper Class and the Rich who make up the majority of the top 20% of the US, they own nearly 86% of the nationโs wealth.
How to Craft An Annual Financial Strategy with TNFG
If 2022 was challenging, just know that 2023 will be even tougher. Crafting a financial strategy is the key to growing your wealth.
Improving Your Cash Flow is the Key to Wealth
For starters, welcome to The Neighborhood Finance Guy website where we discuss financial literacy topics such as How to Grow Your Wealth, Building a Better Cash Flow Strategy, Investment, Retirement and more. My goal is to help you make effective decisions and set S.M.A.R.T+E.R. goals with your money. As always, the information is FREE but the struggle is not sold separately. Ever Heard About Cash Flow? The first time I ever heard of the term cash flow was in Cost Accounting class. Even then, it was kinda abstract. By definition, a cash flow statement provides data regarding all cash inflows that a company receives from its ongoing operations and external…
How to Bring in $45k of Passive Income by Q4 2022
Reviewing The Neighborhood Finance Guy's (TNFG) not so passive income and what generated $45,000 through 2022. Extra Money is Good Money! With the market slowing through 2024, get creative and earn more.
Watching Our Wealth Grow Over $750,000 in 2022
Coming off of two years with $200k net worth increases, we are going for $250k increase in our household net worth in 2022. Go Big!
How to Do More with a Little Passive Income in Q3 2022
The second quarter of 2022 was hopeful but the third quarter was a struggle. High Inflation is here to stay. A global recession is pretty much certain for 2023. In translation, get creative and earn more.
Here’s the Latest 401k, IRA and Other Contribution Limits for 2023
One of the best ways to become an automatic millionaire in your lifetime. Don't skip on the contributions.
How to Rollover an Old 401k and Our Investment Strategy
Most people jump ship from their job and forget about their 401k, 403b or 457 rollover options. The majority (56%) of those ages 18-34 still have an old retirement account at a previous employer. If youโre 35-44, you are part of the 40% that have also not rolled over previous retirement accounts. How much is that worth? Well Americans lost more than $1 Trillion dollars to old forgotten 401ks. Even more if we consider the compounding interest opportunity. So let’s break down what rollovers are, tips on what to look out for and what to do next once your have access to your hard earned money. And just for the…
How We Made $20k in Passive Income for Q2 2022
The second quarter of 2022 was hopeful. High prices raged on and it's likely that the passive income economy dragged down. With price inflation up, some goals might not materialize this year but we will likely still land in the positive. My internal compass still leans toward overall gratitude. I work from home. Additionally, I have a beautiful wife who loves to travel like I do. Our growth is proving to us that the solutions to a challenging word are merely tougher and more resourceful people.
How Seven Haitian Americans are Establishing Black Wealth against all Odds
Building wealth is not easier being 1st generation Haitian American. These stories prove that sometimes you have to start a new business too.