If You Think It Costs A lot Today, Check Out These 2040 Estimates
Nothing erodes Wealth faster than Inflation. If the cost is $60k in 2020, it will balloon to $100k by 2040. Are you making the adjustments?
Where You Find Your Future Spouse Who Makes Six Figures
Six Figures and Still Broke This conversation is all about Relationships and Money - Beware of the Triggering lol Alainta Alcin, Lovely Merdelus and Lawrence Delva-Gonzalez are three first-generation Haitian Americans discussing modern day relationships. The dating scene has changed since the rise of the feminist movement. Sexuality has been unleashed and people are likely staying in the single phase way too long. Are there issues with that or should people simple try to find the Six Figure Spouse. You can find us on our IG accounts: Alainta Alcin - Blogger, Travel and Money Enthusiast @its_alainta Lovely Merdelus - Entrepreneur and Small Business Growth Specialist @lovelymerdelus Lawrence Delva-Gonzalez - Federal…
All the Wealth Secrets in 3, 2, 1
Wealth is marketed as difficult and secret but it's really easy. Save your money to make more money. Here are the trade secrets.
Blaming Other People Even Children for Our lack of Productivity
Alainta Alcin, Lovely Merdelus and Lawrence Delva-Gonzalez are three first-generation Haitian American discussing the Racial Wealth Gap as it relates to productivity and personal accountability. On this episode of the Financial Griot, we dish out our thoughts on we talk about being really productive and getting up out of the bed for yourself and your family. Too often the comments on social media latch unto being the victim of the day. A lot of that time would be better spent figuring out how to be the victor. This is a hard conversation for many to hear but in the end, your life and its trajectory relies heavily on your own…
Media Says Black People are Poor… Again
Alainta Alcin, Lovely Merdelus and Lawrence Delva-Gonzalez are three first-generation Haitian Americans discussing the Racial Wealth Gap and why it keeps popping up every year. On this episode of the Financial Griot, we dish out our thoughts on the latest stats that paints Black people as poor and impoverished. The goal with this conversation is to give you actionable ideas that changes the narrative and helps move the conversation forward. The Financial Griot is all about engaging the narrative to lead us to a brighter future. Thanks for joining us as we normalize money conversation, dispel myths and provide solutions on building wealth while sharing stories. Turns out financial conversations…
Becoming a Griot – The Art of Picking Out a Great Name for Our Podcast
Names matter? Today's episode is all of the start of our journey as podcasters on The Financial Griot. Alainta Alcin, Lovely Merdelus and Lawrence Delva-Gonzalez are three first-generation Haitian Americans discussing what to title this podcast. We settled on The Financial Griot which is a play on why we started this in the first place. Normalizing money conversation, dispelling myths and providing solutions on building wealth and most importantly sharing stories, thoughts and ideas.ย Turns out, conversations that elevate doesn't always have to be about dollars and cents. You can find us on our IG accounts: Alainta Alcin - Blogger, Travel and Money Enthusiast @its_alainta Lovely Merdelus - Entrepreneur and Small…
Millennial Couple Shares How They Invested over $50,000 in 8 months
Thunderstorms and natural disasters. Repairs and costly renovations. We made it through August, just maybe we can close off 2021 off stronger.
TNFG Weekly Chapter 25: Rich Beyond Limiting Beliefs
What's limiting your identity, your trajectory, your life? No matter what it is, what are you going to do about it.
The Value of Our Priorities: Renting vs Ownership
Renting vs Ownership as the new American Dream. It all comes down to valuing your own priorities. Home Ownership is still a wealth builder.
You Really Shouldn’t Save For Your Kid’s College
The best way to save for your kid's future is by investing in yourself. A broke parent in retirement is a bigger liability to your family