If You Think It Costs A lot Today, Check Out These 2030 Estimates
Nothing erodes Wealth faster than Inflation. If the cost is $73k in 2020, it will balloon to $95k by 2030. Are you making the adjustments?
Time to Save Again for Financial Emergencies
The stock market tumbled in September 2022, however the real turbulence came with a family health and financial emergency. Sometimes Building Wealth Takes a Back Seat.
American Households in 2022 spent $72,967. How much did we spend?
The Average American Household earned $94,003 pre-tax and spent over $72,967 in 2022. Unfortunately, they only saved $8,742. How did we do?
Putting the Lens on Black Wealth – How We Are Reaching F.I.R.E.
Investment thunderstorms and costly repairs. Building wealth has never been harder but we can make it through. We are reaching F.I.R.E.
Best Time to Invest? May proved that Buying the Dip Works!
Hooray we all made it through May with flying colors on the road to $900k net worth. Just six months left to reach your Financial Goals.
If You Think It Costs A lot Today, Check Out These 2050 Estimates
Nothing erodes Wealth faster than Inflation. If the cost is $67k in 2021, it will balloon to $140k by 2050. Are you making the adjustments?
Why it’s Important to do a Financial Spring Cleaning Monthly
With a Recession on the way, no better time for a financial spring cleaning. Every April is a great excuse to improve your personal finances.
How We Improved Our Wealth Cash Flow for March
Investments moved up for March 2023 however still down from last year. While prices are high, we are still pressing on with our cash flow. It's costing the average household an extra $6,000 per year to keep up.
How to Build Wealth During Love and a Bear Market
All isn't Fair from Russia in Love and War. The world is getting more challenging every year. Still no reason to give up hope just yet. Get up and get out there.
How to Kick-Off Your Finances for the New Year
Coming off of a rough 2022, we are going right into 2023. While the mental kick-off was slow, it's a relief to have at least one month of solid stock performance again. But how long will that last?