How We are Paying Down Our Debt Since 2019
It’s time to pay down the debt that we picked up. As always we are tracking this via an Excel sheet with validation from the Empower app. The app is FREE. It used to be known as Personal Capital. When it comes to wealth-building, half of the equation requires that you pick up assets. The other half requires that you pay off liabilities. Every month, we track our net worth. This includes two mortgages, one auto loan, and credit card debt. We also track your investments via the link, if you click on the photo below. For me, it’s therapeutic and helps keep my mind sharper. Most people run away…
How We Became Credit Card Debt Free in 2023
We were credit card debt free before in 2021, but we are back at it in 2023. All of this while still building wealth despite the odds.
Cash Flow, Financial Planning & Resources, FIRE Journey, Millennial Money, Money Behavior, Money Management
How to Burn the Wealth Candle at Both Ends
If you really want to elevate your wealth, you will have to learn to burn the financial candle at both ends. This is the path to happiness.
How We are Becoming Truly Debt Free by 2036
A breakdown of how our household is tackling debt in wave. Our end goal is to debt free by the time we retire early.
New Stimulus Package Doesn’t Include Student Loan Debt Relief ASAP?
Student Loan debt is the definitive crisis of the millennial generation. There are Federal student debt relief programs that exist for those in public service-related jobs (ie Federal employment) and the military, however, a lot of people age 39 and younger are way behind on student loans.
How to Work Smarter with a Financial Independence Plan
2020 Was a Year That We Will Not Forget. Work Smarter, Not Harder. Go Together to Travel Further. Choose Together Because the Destination is Not Moving.