Cash Flow
Cash flow management is the process of planning, and controlling the movement of cash in and out of your bank account, with the goal to build wealth.
These blog posts demonstrated how to build wealth quickly and efficiently. Forecasting future cash needs and ensuring that there are sufficient funds available to meet these needs, is also part of the strategy. As well as managing any excess cash in a way that maximizes its value.
Always take advantage of your resources, Operate like a Fortune 500 company, stay in control and disciplined with your emotion, and strive to do more with your time.
$5,000 Saved isn’t Enough. An Acid Emergency Plan is Better.
65% of Americans will be impacted by a financial emergency. Only 27% have an emergency plan in place. Hereโs How to Create Your Own Acid Plan
Earning Financial Freedom is a Revolutionary Act
This is one of those rare bonus conversation, all about the Financial Revolution. In the past, we have the Renaissance, the Industrial Revolution Part I and Part II and in modern times, the Financial revolution. The goal is to recognize the game that you are playing. As of now, your goal is to 1. Decrease unnecessary expenses in order to live the life that's tailored to you, 2. increase your income because inflation will eat it up and only cash flow matters, and 3. Investing the difference in yourself, your family, your experiences, your lifestyle, investments, retirement, real estate ownership and finally small business. Take a breather, we know it's…