Breaking Down The Net/Max Parent+ Financial Plan Step-by-Step
Of the 11 million families with children under age 18, and no spouse present, the majority are single mothers (8.5 million). Single fathers compose the remaining 2.5 million single-parent families. As such, it is only fitting that I draft a Net/Max Financial Plan for Single Parents. Moving the community forward wouldn’t work without supporting the strongest pillars. This is a road map; and, a Thank You for a job well done (before, during, and long after). For those brand new to this thread, here’s a fast track on reading material that you will need to LEVEL UP; the future Pulitzer Net/Max Financial Plan for Singles, The Magic Number for Million dollar Millennials, and When You…
How to Avoid This Student Loan Debt Trap. I Added $10,000 Without Knowing
Full disclosure, this was my student debt experience. Your experience may vary. Yep, you read it correctly, I once spent $10,000 without knowing in a span of fewer than 18 months. What’s worse is that I have proof. What could have been 2 all-expense paid trips to the Maldives, 2 flights to Carnival (Trinidad and Rio), and/or many baller-rific nights where we would pop bottles; was merely an expense of $10k without knowing. With that said, I’m writing to spare you. As a Financial Coach, Tax Planner, and Bonafide Expert in all things poverty, I would like nothing more than for you to read this, think it over and share it with the nearest college student. Seth…
When You are Your Parents’ Retirement Plan
With an aging population and a generation of young adults struggling with finances, the responsibilities of middle-aged Americans are increasing. Adulting is set to be even harder.
$77,000+ is the Magic Number for Million Dollar Millennials. How?
After spending about 5 years trying to help people through resume building, financial literacy tips, articles, personal 1-on-1s; I Found out Financial Literacy can be Easier.
Home Ownership – How Much Can I Afford?
*Tips and Tricks Underlined While my roommate was having a fit about AC (in late July 2016); I ended up chatting with the landlord. Turns out he was selling the other apartment; and showed it to me. He said $125k. I said sold First of all, I don’t think your first purchase should be that complicated. You need to know the price and understand how much you can afford. I ended up purchasing my first home in October of 2016. It was in the same condominium complex. Additionally, I knew the area and the price was reasonable compared to the crazy studios in DC for $250k+. Reducing my expenses the year prior…