TNFG Weekly Chapter 18: Fighting For A Better Life
A TNFG Weekly dose of nutritional content worth indulging. The Grass is not always greener on the other side of wealth. Be purposeful.
TNFG Weekly Chapter 17: Wealth of an Immigrant
A TNFG Weekly dose of nutritional content worth indulging. Balancing Wealth and Struggles post immigration. 1st Gen Problems are as uplifting as they are stressful. However we are building.
How We are Becoming Truly Debt Free by 2036
A breakdown of how our household is tackling debt in wave. Our end goal is to debt free by the time we retire early.
Tracking Our $1M Investment Portfolio Growth Annually
A simple breakdown of our household's investments per year. We are on track with the Net/Max Couple plan. At our salary level, we are contributing 100% in our employer contribution plans ie 401k, as well as our ROTH IRAs, Health Savings Accounts, Group Investments and after-tax portfolio.
Fastest Way to Avoid Taxes and Retire Rich
Looking at the stats for 2019 from the US Bureau of Labor and Statistics, it's easy to see why American families are struggling to make head way. The Average US Household can boost their tax refund efficiency by 103%. The power of investing. The End Goal is to Retire Richer.
TNFG Weekly Chapter 16: Allowing Yourself to Win Financially
A TNFG Weekly dose of nutritional content worth indulging. Allowing yourself to win at the game of wealth. You would have to first define wealth.
How to Grow Your Household’s Investment Potential by 111%
Looking at the stats for 2019 from the US Bureau of Labor and Statistics, it's easy to see why American families are struggling to make head way. About $7,250 per year in savings and pension is no where near enough to retire. Here are three easy ways to tweak your expenses to investment more. Learn to grow your wealth by 100%.
Want to Get Started with Wealth. Here are TNFGโs Top 10 Best Personal Finance Books
Where to Start with Personal Finance If you don’t know where to start and how this entire personal finance journey transform people into millionaires and then multi-millionaires, this is the way. These are some of the most renown personal finance books known for helping people set budget, make plans, enjoy travel; all while becoming automatically wealthy. This is a list of my favorite financial books for beginners. Furthermore, if Facebook was the last book that you read, I completely understand. For non-readers or if you have travel time to fill, check out Book Insights Podcast and the Swedish Investor for the YouTube audio. There is almost no excuse to stay…
TNFG Weekly Chapter 15: The Money Grass is Not Greener
A TNFG Weekly dose of nutritional content worth indulging. The Grass is not always greener on the other side of wealth. Be purposeful.
Here’s the Top 50 Blogging Stats in the US
Get ahead with the stats, tips and tricks for your current or upcoming blog. Blogs are getting monetary traction for a reason. Get the leads.